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Permalink: https://rivertonfootball.com/board-members/ board-members
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Word count: 113   Last edited by Wade Davis on July 16, 2020 at 4:29 pm

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BOARD MEMBERS | Riverton Youth Football

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="no" hundred_percent_height="no" hundred_percent_height_scroll="no" hundred_percent_height_center_content="yes" equal_ ...

characters. Most search engines use a maximum of 60 chars for the title.

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Our mission is to provide young athletes with opportunities to compete and win at some of the highest levels of youth football and in an environment free from discrimination and prepare these young athletes for lifelong contributions to society; to embrace equality, academic achievement and diversity through competition of sport.
To Add Elements, You Must First Add a Column


person Mindy Peck



person Randi Modahl


person Jon Dunfield



person Charity Horne


person Sifa Tafisi



person Drew Modhal
To Add Elements, You Must First Add a Column


person Wade Davis



person Jon Dunfield


person Jackson Peck



person Tim Brown


person Jim Tracy



person Drew Modhal
To Add Elements, You Must First Add a Column


person Michelle Dunfield



person Cameron Palmer



person Justin Wilbur


person Allison Palmer



person Scott Moeller



person Natalie Mangum


person Jon Fitisemanu



person Crystal Moeller
To Add Elements, You Must First Add a Column
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Importing a single demo page is to receive the skeleton layout only. You will not receive demo images, fusion theme options, custom post types or sliders so there will be differences in style and layout compared to the online demos. The items that import are the builder layout, page template, fusion page options and image placeholders. If you wish to import everything from a demo, you need to import the full demo on the Avada > Import Demos tab.

Saved Containers

Manage your saved containers. Containers cannot be inserted from the library window. The globe icon indicates the element is a global element.

Saved Columns

Manage your saved columns. Columns cannot be inserted from the library window and they must always go inside a container. The globe icon indicates the element is a global element.

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Manage your saved elements. Elements cannot be inserted from the library window and they must always go inside a column. The globe icon indicates the element is a global element.

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Save current page layout as a template

Enter a name for your template and click the Save button. This will save the entire page layout, page template from the page attributes box, custom css and Fusion Page Options. IMPORTANT: when loading a saved template, everything will load except for Fusion Page Options. The only time Fusion Page Options will load is if you choose to "Replace All Content".

    There are no custom templates in your library


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Fusion Page Options

Select boxed or wide layout. Default currently set to Wide.

Controls the background color for the page. When the color value is set to anything below 100% opacity, the color will overlay the background image if one is uploaded. Hex code, ex: #000. Leave empty for default value of #d7d6d6. Reset to default.Using default value.

Select an image to use for a full page background. Currently no default selected. Can be set globally from the Theme Options.

Choose to show or hide the header.

Choose to set header width to 100% of the browser width. Select "No" for site width. Default currently set to No.

Controls the background color for the header. Hex code or rgba value, ex: #000. Leave empty for default value of rgba(74,22,182,0.83). Reset to default.Using default value.

Controls the background color for the header on mobile devices. Hex code or rgba value, ex: #000. Leave empty for default value of #ffffff. Reset to default.Using default value.

Select an image for the header background. If left empty, the header background color will be used. For top headers the image displays on top of the header background color and will only display if header opacity is set to 1. For side headers the image displays behind the header background color so the header opacity must be set below 1 to see the image. Currently no default selected. Can be set globally from the Theme Options.

Select which menu displays on this page. Default currently set to Main Menu.

Select the type of slider that displays.

Choose to show or hide the page title bar. Default currently set to Hide.

Choose to display the breadcrumbs, search bar or none. Default currently set to Breadcrumbs.

Choose to show or hide the page title bar headings. Default currently set to Hide.

Choose the title and subhead text alignment. Breadcrumbs / search field will be on opposite side for left / right alignment and below the title for center alignment. Default currently set to Center.

Insert custom text for the page title bar main heading.

In pixels. Leave empty for default value of 45px.

Controls the text color of the page title bar main heading. Leave empty for default value of #333333. Reset to default.Using default value.

Valid CSS unit. Leave empty for default value of normal.

Insert custom text for the page title bar subheading.

In pixels. Leave empty for default value of 18px.

Controls the text color of the page title bar subheading. Leave empty for default value of #4a4e57. Reset to default.Using default value.

Choose "Yes" to have the page title bar area display at 100% width according to the viewport size. Select "No" to follow site width. Only works with wide layout mode. Default currently set to No.

Controls the height of the page title bar on desktop. Enter value including any valid CSS unit besides % which does not work for page title bar, ex: 87px. Leave empty for default value of 375px.

Controls the height of the page title bar on mobile. Enter value including any valid CSS unit besides % which does not work for page title bar, ex: 70px. Leave empty for default value of 240px.

Controls the background color of the page title bar. Hex code, ex: #000. Leave empty for default value of #F6F6F6. Reset to default.Using default value.

Controls the border color of the page title bar. Hex code, ex: #000. Leave empty for default value of #d2d3d4. Reset to default.Using default value.

Select an image to use for the page title bar background. Currently no default selected. Can be set globally from the Theme Options.

Select an image to use for retina devices. Currently no default selected. Can be set globally from the Theme Options.

Choose to have the background image display at 100%. Default currently set to No.

Choose a parallax scrolling effect for the background image. Default currently set to No.

Show the 1st featured image on page.

Controls the left and right padding for page content when using 100% site width, 100% width page template or 100% width post option. This does not affect Fusion Builder containers. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 30px. Leave empty for default value of 30px.

In pixels ex: 20px. Leave empty for default value of 60px, 60px.

Controls the background color for the main content area. Hex code, ex: #000. Leave empty for default value of #ffffff. Reset to default.Using default value.

Select an image to use for the main content area. Currently no default selected. Can be set globally from the Theme Options.

Choose to have the background image display at 100%. Default currently set to No.

Select how the background image repeats. Default currently set to No Repeat.

Select sidebar 1 that will display on this page. Choose "No Sidebar" for full width.

Select sidebar 2 that will display on this page. Choose "No Sidebar" for full width.

Select the sidebar 1 position. If sidebar 2 is selected, it will display on the opposite side. Default currently set to Right.

Choose the order of sidebars and main content area on mobile layouts through drag & drop sorting. Default currently set to Content, Sidebar 1, Sidebar 2. Reset to default.Using default value.

    Sidebar 1
    Sidebar 2

Select the sidebar(s) that should remain sticky when scrolling the page. If the sidebar content is taller than the screen, it acts like a normal sidebar until the bottom of the sidebar is within the viewport, which will then remain fixed in place as you scroll down. Default currently set to None.

Controls the background color of the sidebar. Hex code, ex: #000. Leave empty for default value of #ffffff. Reset to default.Using default value.

Settings have changed, you need to save the page before you export or save page options.

Save your current Page Options as a custom set to be reused on any page or post that utilizes Fusion Page Options.

Select a set of saved Page Options, then choose to import or delete them.

Import Delete

Click the export button to export your current set of Page Options as a json file.

Click Import to select a set of Page Options (json file) to be used.